1.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. ( 2011). Job Description & Salary Information. [ONLINE] Available at: http://learningpath.org/articles/Editor_Career_Summary.html. [Last Accessed 11/16/2014].
In this website resource, the accurate job description and salary of an editor and even the benefits and disadvantages are presented. Moreover the research also briefs about the requirement and job skills required by 2011. The article predicts a growth in journalism jobs not only for editors but for graphic designers and people who pursue a career in many different fields.
2.Scott Nicholson, (2010). Write Good or Die. 1st ed. : Hunted Computer Books.
The author/editor Scott Nicholson writes about what is expected from people working and he also explains that journalist have to follow the four W's. In addition to that the editor also add that for making a story interesting drama is add as a spice and something that makes you feel that "I need to turn the page now."
3.Ralph E. Hanson, (2013). Mass Communication: Living in a media world. 4th ed. Kearney: sage publication.
This technique is an amusing one because none of the rules are followed.